
Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of RNA Biology

Updated: 2021-11-08


Establishment of this new laboratory was approved by CAS in 2011. In August 2014, the laboratory ranked among the key laboratories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was named Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Key Laboratory of RNA Biology.

The laboratory focuses on the non-coding sequences, non-coding genes and non-coding RNA in the genome, focusing on the systematic discovery and structure and function research of new non-coding RNA. The main research directions include: systematic discovery of non-coding RNA; biological function of non-coding RNA; "bi-color" biological regulatory network realized by RNA and protein; structure and function of RAN protein complex; modification and processing of RNA; RNA in development and disease; new technologies for RNA research. The laboratory has one academician, four distinguished youth and four outstanding youth.

Main research areas

1. Systematic discovery of non-coding genes and non-coding RNA and construction of biological networks;

2. Interactions between non-coding RNA and biomacromolecules;

3. Biological functions of non-coding RNA.

Director and Deputy Directors

Principal Investigators

Contact Us

MS. Zhiping Liu, Secretary

Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of RNA Biology

Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

15 Datun Load, Chaoyang District

Beijing 100101, China

Tel: 8610-64884229


Contact Us

Tel: 010-64889872

E-Mail: webadmin@ibp.ac.cn

Address: No 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Postcode: 100101
